
A little bit about myself…

Hi, you found me!

My name is Róise Nic an Bheatha – what an absolute mouthful and a complete admin nightmare I hear you say – but… I’ve had the name for twenty-four years and it’s a large part of my identity so I won’t be changing it any time soon.

You’ll have probably guessed that the name comes from Ireland. I was born in Belfast and grew up in the North of Ireland in a city called Derry. People also refer to it as LondonDerry but if you’re looking for the terminology that I use, I would advise Doire meaning oak leaf – the Irish word that Derry derives from. 

Whilst in Ireland, I went to Irish Medium Education, spending my primary school years speaking to my chums in Irish or Gaelige as I prefer to call it (the Irish word for Irish). When I was fourteen, I moved to Edinburgh where I began to learn Gaidhlig (Gaelic, Scotland), and from there on in, I felt connected to both Celtic languages.

After finishing highschool, I studied Scottish Literature at the University of Glasgow. Scottish Literature is a relatively new field of study, but it’s growing in interest and I loved how it combined my love of Gaelic, myths, literature, music, history, and writing all under one umbrella.  

In the third year of my degree, I was lucky enough to bag myself a spot on Glasgow’s study abroad program which meant I ended up in Vancouver, Canada, for a year. There, my love of climbing and getting outdoors grew, but I was also able to explore Scotland’s heritage abroad (although Gaelic is mostly spoken on the east coast of Canada). It was in Canada that I first began blogging, believe it or not, but I failed miserably – I was partying, travelling and exploring too often to maintain my writing consistently. 

I returned to Glasgow, finishing my degree and graduating in 2019. That summer, fresh out of University and keen to not go back to studying just yet, I took a job up in Aberlour (I don’t think I’m bring too dramatic when I say it’s in the middle of nowhere in the North of Scotland). I began a role as a PR Associate (I still don’t quite know what that job title entails) and have sold my soul to marketing for the past two years. I jest, it’s not so bad and the work is really interesting, and I’ve also come to realise that the world revolves around marketing so I’m glad I have some insight into its wicked ways.

I currently work for a little PR firm based in the Highlands of Scotland, so this enables me to reach the Munros at weekends and surround myself with the Scottish Highland wonders. I am based in Inverness, but I am always open to change, so we’ll see where the future takes me. 


Apologies, I feel like I’ve given you a narrative of my life and I haven’t even mentioned Munros once, but that’s reflective of my Munro journey, because I didn’t really begin climbing them until I moved up North. I had done Ben Lomond a couple of times, but apart from that, I hadn’t really climbed anything above 3,000 feet (other than the hills in Canada). I didn’t even know what baggin’ was (gosh, that sounds kind of dirty when you say it like that). Anyway, I have started my Munro journey now, but it’s part of a bigger campaign to prioritise health, fitness, and well-being in my life. 

And so, in short, that’s my life. I feel as if I skipped over quite a lot of stuff (did I mention I have five siblings and my mother studied with Barack Obama?) but any burning questions then please do reach out to me or via my Twitter

For now, my rambles have come to an end.